Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We had Cheeto and Chet since 2004 and adopted Tony from Hart 2 Heart in 2018. We had to put Chet down in May 2021 which was crushing for our whole family. We knew Cheeto wouldn't be far behind. 

Cheeto was, obviously, an orange guy. The stereotypical special orange guy. For the longest time my wife insisted we had to get another orange guy for Cheeto to show the ways of being orange. As silly as that sounds, orange cat owners know what we're talking about. Anyway, over months we would see orange cats on Hart 2 Heart's page but timing was never right. Then we saw Morris in January 2022 and we knew we had to look. We went down and there he was laying in the same position Cheeto always laid. It was a done deal the second we laid eyes on him. 

As we were contacting Sharon and trying to get store assistance we were looking at the other cats and there was Lindsey. Fourteen years old, she melted our hearts. Then Sharon told us her story (or what she knew). We felt like no one would want a frightened fourteen year old cat and it just broke us into tears. 

So we came home with two cats that day. It did our hearts right to give them both a home, especially Lindsey. 

Then five months later Tony got sick and we put him down on 6/13. Cheeto followed three weeks later on 7/2. To say this house was devastated would be an understatement. We knew Cheeto wasn't long for the world but poor Tony got sick and deteriorated in less than a month. It was awful. 

We say all the time that we don't know what we would've done without Morris and Lindsey. The amount of tears that have been shed were much easier to dry with those two. It's the old cliche, we rescued them but in the end they have rescued us. For real. 

Thank you Hart 2 Heart for bringing so much love and joy to our house.